
昨日、注文していた漫画「ドラゴン桜」が届きました。 大まかな内容は、偏差値30代の高校3年生が東大を目指すというもの。果たして間に合うのか!? ということで私もドラゴン桜勉強法を取り入れて東京大学に行こうと思う。


では、本日の単語 5コ(初日なのでまずは少な目で) fatigue(疲労) mess(めちゃくちゃ) luggage(荷物) intake (摂取量) allowance(こづかい)

Today,I woke up at 6:30 a.m. The alarm was ringing but I didn’t want to wake up. Last night I wrote a report so I felt mental fatigue. And text books are very heavy and I have a lot of luggage because there was P.E class today.

My room is a mess so I cant find books which I want to read. I ate too much today’s lunch, I have to reduce sugar intake. I want to get a lot of allowance.